… Peony!
By itself | my head bows | … Peony!
Inspired and entitled after an haiku by Issa.
Using light really like a brush while taking pictures. And to share that sublime & deeply touching feeling of beauty. With the intention to capture that sparkle of life’s immanent eternal energy as well as to approach that fascination and myth of peony. I investigate uniqueness, connectivity, variability and value, personal identities and collective memorialisation.
Actually, I have to confess, this series is still in the making. You’ve got me there. I promise to fill the space. And you can enjoy the opportunity to watch this series evolve and grow.
There is even more motivation to proceed, as a toned cyanotype of this peony image has been awarded at IPA 2022 International Photography Awards with Official Selection + Honorable Mention in the category Analog. And it is on the cover of pearl press issue GRAYSCALE, so honored!The pink version – a tribute to Kazumasa Ogawa – received Honorable Mention at the Chromatics Awards Stilllife Category