This is a journey into a fascinating monochrome world of deep blue. This magical process reveals stunning beauty and awe in all its states. And also teaches a lot of ...
In this collage series it’s about beauty, depth and layers. And the beauty that lies within the eye of the beholder. Cut & paste is used to create an experience ...
I started this ongoing series based on my sorrow about the almost inevitable loss of the coral reefs. The notion of not being able to protect this amazingly rich underwater ...
This series is a tribute to my favorite author Joseph Campbell and his masks of god, reflecting on the veils of perception. Literally using a mask, I try to uncover ...
This series reimagines the feeling of awe I experience when diving: and the vast mysterious sea is my stage. These images utilize unique perspectives that highlight bioluminescence and surreal colors ...
This series is about our longing for Paradise. These edenic images are symbols for that state of mind, that feeling of being whole and connected, that we are striving for. ...